Deviant’s Dictionary
An Evolving Compendium of Deviant Terminology
Abstract Time (n): linear, homogenous, numerical, measurable, spatialized time; a time that can be divided without changing in kind or nature. It is the (spatialized) time of the clock, the fixed, the external ground against which events occur. (See Real Time)
Alternative Deviation (n): a backup deviation to be enacted should circumstances arise preventing the intended deviation from being implemented.
Apparatal Squeeze (v): a combined variety of means by which The Apparatus ensures that the national wealth flows into the pockets of the national or international elite (aka kingpins), while also, in the name of national security, oversees that greater society continues to fall in line with the demands of the prevailing global order. The Apparatal Squeeze — depending on when and where it is utilized and how far civil religion can be wielded in justification — involves the legal system, courts, police, military, governmental surveillance and monitoring operations, and any bureaucratized forms of power available to The Apparatus. (See also The Apparatus, Civil Religion, and the Global Order)
The Apparatus (n): a shorthand term for the totality of governmental control in any one nation-state, particularly pertaining to domestic security and spying agencies.
Backpacker (n): a tourist on an extended, usually low-budget tour of one or more countries. On Deviation’s subjectively defined spectrum of tourist types, Backpacker exists roughly at the midpoint between War Correspondent and Cruise Ship Passenger. The extended duration and low-budget nature of backpacking trips has the tendency to promote among certain of its ranks an inflated sense of deviance — those who perceive of themselves as grand adventurers despite their ongoing (and sometimes fussy) reliance on backpacking industries and networks — breeding a higher than average percentage of Backpackers who claim themselves to be honoring the true nature of backpacking (aka ‘claiming true’) when in fact these claims are false. (See Poseur Backpacker)
Backpacker (n): a tongue-in-cheek term for man, or the male component of the gender-sphere
Blunt Instrument (n): a thing, person, method, or resource which is not sufficiently precise or not sufficiently effective for its intended role or use; a tongue-in-cheek term for man, or the male component of the gender-sphere
Bourgeois Rationale (n): a form of broken logic in which the current systems of human organization and control (i.e., the capitalist mode of production, or contemporary voting republics) are perceived to be the pinnacle of human achievement whose methods of operation, or functional logics, are embraced as though they are eternal, non-evolving processes that are immanent to life itself. Because these systems are seen as ends rather than means, critical analysis is restricted to the goal of fine-tuning their internal functions, leaving the systems themselves immune to external critique. Bourgeois rationale, despite the inhumane effects attributed to the very institutions being promoted by bourgeois rationale and its faithful (aka, respectable people), is designed to establish a sense of do-gooder humanity among its proponents. For example, bourgeois rationale affords the ability to feel good about making charitable donations to communities exploited by overall market functions, but refuses to critique even the most exploitive market functions. It therefore absolves guilt that may arise from knowingly profiting from status quo exploitations by writing off the negative consequences of our systems as general factors of “life” in the abstract.
Business-speak (n): jargony language that is littered with an excess of corporate idioms, abbreviations, or acronyms, such as “circle the wagons,” B2B, or “rainmaker.”
Calendar-Worthy Infrastructure (n): new and shiny infrastructure that is presented to the population of a nation-state as an exaggerated sign of progress, frequently used as a diversion for other political ills. Calendars containing enhanced photographs of bridges or dams, for example, are one of the primary means for promoting and exaggerating progress. The quality of new infrastructure is therefore gauged according to its photogenic calendar-worthiness.
Civil Religion (n): an ideological construct wielded by a national government attempting to manufacture the social cohesion necessary for the purpose of building a nation (taking control of and unifying disparate people and territories). Civil religion not only serves to create social cohesion but also provides ‘a fund of immortality symbols’ for the ‘true believer’ (respectable person, or citizen), who thus perceives the nation to be an eternal and transcendental construct serving a transcendental purpose.
Cruise Ship Passenger (n): the category at which tourism reaches 100% on Deviation’s subjectively defined spectrum of tourist types. It is the category at which the tourist is merely a passive recipient — almost in the nursing home sense of requiring personnel for the task of wiping one’s ass (aka being pampered).
Daily Deviation (n): a routine deviation, such as jay walking.
Deviance/Deviancy (n): the degree to which any one individual is deviant.
Deviant (n): one who departs from an established course or accepted standard; one who adheres to the Deviant’s Ethos when taking up the Deviant’s Struggle.
Deviant By Nature/Natural Born Deviant (n): those for whom deviation is a primary purpose, regardless of whether purpose is a factor of nature, a nurtured trait, or some combination thereof.
Deviant For Life (n): a more gangster way of saying deviant by nature — one that stresses the nurture side of the overall nature/nurture dynamic. It implies that one’s commitment to deviance was made by choice.
Deviant’s Struggle (n): the struggle for continual deviation.
Deviant Tendencies (n): inklings of deviancy pushing to the surface among those better qualified as poseur or respectable. (See also Poseur-ish Tendencies and Respectabilities)
Deviant Tourist (n): one who deviates as a form of tourism; a travel category that falls somewhere between Backpacker and War Correspondent on Deviation’s subjectively defined spectrum of tourist types.
Deviant Without a Cause (n): one who nobly adheres to the tactical nature of Deviation, taking up the Deviant’s Struggle for continual deviation for no greater purpose or aim.
Deviation (n): the action of departing from an established course or accepted standard(s), but doing so in alignment with the Five Principles for Ethical Deviation.
Event (n): a situational emergence, oftentimes triggering the need to tactically implement a next move; “a forcing to the surface of once virtual relations that have now become actual.” (Excerpt is from Architectures of Time by Sanford Kwinter)
Exception (n): one who is excepted from certain citizenship rights or responsibilities.
Exception Card (n): the means by which an exception utilizes the Exception Clause to his or her advantage while implementing a deviation.
Exception Clause (n): the quasi-ad hoc, quasi-formal manner in which the rights and responsibilities of citizenship, both citizens within their home nations and those living, venturing, or deviating abroad, are asymmetrically honored and/or enforced. This clause is usually a method by which the poor and oppressed are excluded from the benefits of national citizenship (they are the exceptions), while the rich, powerful, and usually caucasian are excluded from many of the limitations imposed by national citizenship (they are also the exceptions). A coarse, not entirely accurate way of saying it is: the poor are excluded from their citizenship rights and the rich are excluded from their citizenship responsibilities. In the context of Deviation it refers to the fact that many of the laws and social codes are unevenly imposed, making it important for deviants to grasp the nature and extent of their own individual exception status. The Exception Clause is particularly relevant for deviant tourists operating in foreign lands, where they may possess more or less wiggle room than is available to national citizens.
Fellow Deviant (n): one among the broader community, or fellowship, of deviants.
Five Principles of Ethical Deviation (n): guidelines that, when taken as a whole, provide the ethical framework by which Deviation is maintained as a positive pursuit. By applying the Five Principles to daily life circumstances in order to ethically stray from convention, deviants take an active role in advancing their own Self-awareness. (#1: Freedom is a process, #2: Non-opposition, #3: Nonviolence, #4: Honesty and Truthfulness, #5: Responsibility.)
Foreigner (n): a technical term applied to non-citizens in certain nation-states, or to tribal outsiders.
Freedom (n): the power of self determination attributed to mental flexibility or a lack of mental barriers in one’s perceptions; the quality of being independent of thought; the pursuit of increased self awareness and the degree to which an individual is self-aware. Freedom increases with consciousness; a continuous and ongoing process of expanding one’s consciousness. It is the ability to serve increasingly by choice rather than serving by force. It is not the ability to avoid service altogether, which is a hedonistic indulgence in self rather than the pursuit of an increasingly refined self. (See Principle #1)
Frontier (n): places in which lines between public and private, licit and illicit are ill-defined; places in which individuals are transformed into governed subjects, but the transformation process is incomplete; where ecologies and ecosystems are ruthlessly converted into wholesale commodity objects. “Frontiers are not just edges; they are particular kinds of edges where the expansive nature of extraction comes into its own. Built from historical models of European conquest, frontiers create wildness so that some—and not others—may reap its rewards. Frontiers are deregulated because they arise in the interstitial spaces made by collaborations among legitimate and illegitimate partners: armies and bandits; gangsters and corporations; builders and despoilers. They confuse the boundaries of law and theft, governance and violence, use and destruction. These confusions change the rules and thus enable extravagant new economies of profit—as well as loss. … A frontier is an edge of space and time: a zone of not yet—not yet mapped, not yet regulated. It is a zone of unmapping: even in its planning, a frontier is imagined as unplanned. Frontiers aren’t just discovered at the edge; they are projects in making geographical and temporal experience. Frontiers make wildness, entangling visions and vines and violence; their wildness is both material and imaginative.” (Excerpt is from Friction by Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing)
Fundamental (n): a realm, species, thing, or concept that came into being early in a developmental hierarchy. A term used in contrast with significant. For example, the biosphere came into being before humanity. It has more breadth, spanning the entire surface of the globe and extending throughout the earth’s atmosphere, but less depth than humanity. The biosphere is therefore more fundamental than humanity. Destroy humanity and the biosphere can still exist, but destroy the biosphere and humanity is likewise destroyed. (See Significant)
Global Capital (n): the combined governing forces of the capitalist mode of production, taken in totality across the globe.
Global Order (n): the political, economic, or social situation in the world at a particular time — including the ramifications of, or the effects that arise from — the political, economic, and social relationships between different nation-states, within each nation-state independently, and among international society in general.
Golden Years (n): post-retirement bliss, as portrayed by bourgeois rationale. The payoff for adhering to status quo, respectable conceptions about devoting one’s life to future freedoms.
Honesty (n): the quality of being honest or sincere. Honesty intentionally separates the universal demands of truth from the situational demands of being honest about one’s own truth. The deviant, for example, while adhering to sincere motives in crossing certain social or legal boundaries, in order to honor truth is not required to honestly spell out the details of one’s deviation to an overly curious authority figure. Honesty is secondary to the requirement to stay true to higher values than those being enforced by law or social custom. As a developmental hierarchy, honesty is significant and truth is fundamental. Destroy honesty and truth can still exist, but destroy truth and honesty is also destroyed. It is therefore possible to uphold truth without being honest, however, lacking truth it is not possible to be honest. (See Principle #4)
Imposter (n): a term for deviants who, in order to achieve a desired aim, insert themselves into situations in which they typically would not be accepted or permitted to be. Not synonymous with poseur.
inside-Outsider (n): an outsider to a strategic regime, who, through extensive experience within that strategic regime is able to offer insight that goes beyond the average outsider’s perspective.
Intended Deviation (n): a primary deviation to be enacted should circumstances remain favorable.
In the system (n): a condition in which one’s personal and biometric details are on file in a governing institution’s database. The amount of profile information on file is the degree to which any one deviant is “in the system.”
Jungleman/Junglewoman (n): those able to live by their wits in the jungle; known also for their desire to find and climb waterfalls (if the waterfalls also happen to be in the jungle).
Kingpin(s) (n): the international governing elite, whose wealth is power and whose power is wealth; those few who guide the political, economic, and social functions of the global order such that control of social wealth, at a global scale, remains in the hands of the few.
Known Entity (n): a fact among a greater sphere of ill-defined or unproven variables; relating to The Apparatus and its role in monitoring the movements of citizens, tourists, foreigners, etcetera, a known entity is a term applied to those individuals who have somehow strayed from the norm and whose actions, while being tolerated, are under enhanced scrutiny.
Modernity (n): a cultural condition in which pockets of society have modernized according to the functional pressures and forces of global capital while other pockets of society remain in a pre-modern state; a cultural condition in which folk or traditional society exists side-by-side with modernized society.
Newly Minted Citizen (n): a citizen created by the formation of a new nation-state, once its territory has been settled and its people disciplined. In the current global order the creation of new citizens usually involves the need to educate and time-discipline traditional populations according to market demands, abstract time, and bourgeois rationale.
Next Move (n): a deviant’s next tactical deviation; a deviation within or extending from an existing deviation, usually made in response to newly arising real time circumstances; a tactical change in trajectory enacted in response to an event or a situational demand.
Non-opposition (n): a form of resistance to authority, or circumvention of authority, whose fundamental methodology is based on defining a new terrain of ‘conflict.’ It rejects the grounding logic of an existing regime, not as something invalid or nonexistent, but as a logic that does not apply to the non-opposing group or individual. Non-opposition is therefore a process of defining and implementing new procedural logics within a space already held by an existing regime whose primary purpose is to maintain control through the enforcement of its own existing logics (using opposition to reinforce its control). Deviation is a process of going astray, not against. (See Principle #2)
Nonviolence (n): using peaceful means, or peaceful shows of force, in going astray of convention. Violence against the property — physical, mental, spiritual — of another person is an expression of violence against that person, and is not condoned by Deviation. (See Principle #3)
Office Time (n): a definition of ‘day’ based on a typical daily office schedule as measured by abstract time. Frequently this is an 8-hour ‘day’ although this duration is a contentious political issue of ongoing dispute and continual fluctuation.
outside-Insider (n): an insider to a strategic regime who is familiar with its innerworkings, and, due to experiences outside that strategic regime is able to offer insight that goes beyond the average insider’s perspective.
Police State (n): a political unit characterized by repressive governmental control of political, economic, and social life, usually by an arbitrary exercise of power by The Apparatus.
Poseur (n): one who claims to be true when in fact he or she is false; one who claims to be a deviant although he or she has not yet developed the self awareness of a deviant. In assessing their own merits, poseurs are not able to adhere to Principle #4: Honesty and Truthfulness. They are therefore not deviants, but poseurs.
Poseur Backpacker (n): a category from Deviation’s subjectively defined spectrum of tourist types, landing between Backpacker and Cruise Ship Passenger but much closer to Cruise Ship Passenger than any Poseur Backpacker is willing to admit. The distinction between Backpacker and Poseur Backpacker is primarily attributed to self awareness — the ability to be honest and true in assessing one’s thoughts, actions, and external realities during a backpacking excursion. (See Poseur and Backpacker)
Poseur-ish Tendencies (n): falsities expressed by those better qualified as deviant. (See also Deviant Tendencies or Respectabilities)
Postmodernity (n): the cultural logic of late capitalism; a cultural condition in which a society has fully modernized according to the functional pressures and forces of global capital, and nearly all pre-modern societal structures have been erased.
Pre-Modernity (n): the cultural conditions found in folk or traditional societies; pre-modern cultural conditions.
Real Time (n): the immeasurable actualizing flow within which events occur; the flow within which “everything exists as virtuality, as intensive, in becoming.” (See Abstract Time) (Quote from Architectures of Time by Sanford Kwinter)
Refusal to comply (v): refusing to comply with behavioral instructions being delivered by an authority figure, or someone who believes him/herself to be an authority figure.
Respectable (n): of those who govern their lives according to social norms or customs, often adhering strictly to bourgeois rationale as a moral framework.
Respectabilities (n): snippets of bourgeois rationale expressed by those better qualified as deviant or poseur. (See also Deviant Tendencies or Poseur-ish Tendencies)
Responsibility (n): the opportunity or ability to act independently and make decisions without authorization, in conjunction with the fact of being accountable or to blame for the repercussions of one’s actions. Deviants must accept responsibility for any repercussions to arise from taking up the Deviant’s Struggle. (See Principle #5)
Rights (n): a moral or legal entitlement to have or obtain something, or to act in a certain way. In a democracy these rights are protected by a national constitution. They are frequently and mistakenly called ‘freedoms.’
Ripening Factor(s) (n): a specific enticement or collection of enticements by which the deviant is motivated to enact a specific deviation.
Salary Man (n): suit and tie corporate employees, noted for their excessive devotion to corporate employers and for using business-speak in even the most informal contexts. This term is derived from Japanese slang and can be applied in a roughly equivalent manner.
Self (n): a person’s essential being that distinguishes them from others, especially considered as the essence of introspection or reflexive action. Raising one’s consciousness is the process of curating an ever-refined self. It is the pursuit of freedom-as-a-process.
Significant (n): a realm, species, thing, or concept that came into being late in a developmental hierarchy. A term used in contrast with fundamental. For example, humanity was only able to emerge after the biosphere was in place. In addition to being comprised of physical and biological components, humanity brought into being a noosphere, or sphere of human thought. Humanity has less breadth but more depth, came later in the evolutionary unfolding, and is therefore more significant than the biosphere. Humanity is not separate from the biosphere but emerged through the biosphere as it went beyond. Destroy humanity and the biosphere can still exist, but destroy the biosphere and humanity is likewise destroyed. (See Fundamental)
Situational Optimization of Resources (v): the act of deciding and implementing a next move in response to an event, or situational emergence, therefore keeping a deviation in motion.
Solo Mission (n): a deviation that, for whatever reason, must be accomplished without the company and/or assistance of fellow deviants.
Soul-force (n): a Gandhian term describing the type of nonviolent force that is necessary for backing one’s petitions. This Gandhi quote is an expression of soul-force: ‘If you do not concede our demand, we will be no longer your petitioners. You can govern us only so long as we remain the governed; we shall no longer have any dealing with you.’ In the Deviation context soul-force is the temporary, nonviolent, non-oppositional removal of oneself from the role of the governed. It is the force that allows one to remain true in crossing laws or rules; of being free to act without having the right to act. For example, Gandhi was free to remove salt from the sea, despite the British government’s refusal to extend to him that right. The British government refused to honor Gandhi’s petition to rightfully extract salt from seawater. Gandhi therefore removed himself from the role of petitioner, backing his petition with soul-force and declaring himself free of British law.
Spectacle (n): pop culture devoid of appeals to higher truths or ideals; a cultural condition in which the proliferation of demands to produce and consume increasingly ephemeral commodities in increasingly expanding quantities creates a flat, meaningless, and noisy social arena.
Strategic Deviant (n): while Deviation is itself a tactical pursuit, strategic deviants are those who establish a strategic framework from which tactical deviations are enabled. For example, a German deviant in Myanmar who utilized strategic methods for gaining access to off-limits jungles. Once in the jungle he could tactically deviate.
Strategy (n): a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim. It “proceeds by projecting, fixing, and consolidating; it circumscribes in order to oppose (this to that, the Same to the Other). Strategy belongs to the discrete totalizing order of space; it comprises distinct things and “proper” places. It is oriented toward the domination and mastery of global phenomena: a territory or domain.” (Excerpt is from Architectures of Time by Sanford Kwinter.) (See Tactics)
Suggested Deviation (n): a specific or reproducible deviation that can be applied to specific and reproducible life circumstances; a deviation able to be recommended for specific circumstances.
Tactics (n): an action planned to achieve a specific end. Tactics “proceeds not by global oppositions but by local interventions, for it is effectively immanent not only to itself but also to the general medium of strategic (institutional) power in whose interstices it plays. Tactics does not give itself distinct objects (oppositions) or totalized schemas; it relies on its very “homelessness,” its indistinction, and its “weakness” as a screen for a perpetual mobilization. It embraces the ceaseless individuation of forces and in turn recognizes only the proliferation — and instability — of singular moments.” It “is never autonomous but always contingent. It depends on the very conditions — power — that it both lacks and seeks to subvert. It mines blindly, provisionally, and always at intimate proximity from within. Tactics proceeds, one might say, by redistributing the macroeffects of power into a micrological “space” that strategy itself, precisely because it is strong (and bound to territory/un propre) cannot enter.” (Excerpt is from Architectures of Time by Sanford Kwinter.) (See Strategy)
Truth (n): the quality or state of being true (about external realities or oneself); that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality.
Truthfulness (n): the fact of being true; realistic or true to life. In the Deviation context truthfulness refers most specifically to a deviant’s ability to assess his or her individual merits or flaws, his or her place in the world, and the current conditions in the world. Truthfulness is fundamental to self-rule. (See Principle #4)
War Correspondent (n): the category at which tourism reaches 0% on Deviation’s subjectively defined spectrum of tourist types. It is the point at which “shit gets real.”
Wiggle Room (n): the amount of social or systemic flexibility in and through which deviants are able to deviate; the subjective middle ground inhabited by deviants who are navigating between two objective extremes — strict adherence to law or strict adherence to lawless anarchy. Deviation is not possible in the objective extremes where the ability to self-govern is neither required nor allowed. In the extremes one either obeys a code of law or a code of lawlessness and there is no wiggle room.